Call for ideas for the production of a web-series on migration, development and human rights
Partners of the AMITIE CODE project will select ideas and projects to produce an original web-series on the project-related issues. The call is open to European independent audiovisual production companies, non governmental organisations, associations, civil rights organisations and organisations combating discrimination, local organisations involved in decentralised regional cooperation and/or migrants integration cultural organisations, independent foundations.
The web series will be divided into 6 episodes (one for each partner Country) and deal with the following themes:
1. the inequality of the relationships between developed and developing countries;
2. the global interdependency that causes every action (including individual consumer choices)
to have an impact on developing and emerging Countries;
3. the importance of Africa's development for nowadays Europe;
4. the results of the development cooperation and, in particular, of decentralised cooperation;
5. the migrations and the routes within Africa, Latin America and Asia, and from Africa, Latin
America and Asia to Europe, with special attention towards the migration flows that directly
involve the partner cities;
6. The human rights standard and the impact of responsible consumption and lifestyles.
The selected idea/project will be awarded €65.000.
You can find further information on the call and the forms to participate by clicking here. All forms and all the other requested material must be sent via certified e-mail to protocollogenerale@pec.comune.bologna.it by the 1st of September 2016.
For any question or doubt, please write to webserieamitie@comune.bologna.it and click here for the FAQ updated to the 24th of August