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Comune di Bologna - Municipality of Bologna (IT)

Bologna is the seventh city in Italy as far as the number of inhabitants is concerned (almost 400,000) and sixth in economic importance. The metropolitan area of Bologna reaches more than 900,000 inhabitants. Important features of Bologna are its high level of economic development and extensive pre-school, educational, social, cultural and sport services. Very innovative enterprises see in Bologna an ideal location and very high is also the percentage of craftsmen operating in the area.

Bologna is one of the most culturally vibrant city in Italy and, with more than 40 museums, it is a city of art with a very high rate of participation in cultural and leisure activities. Capital both of the Metropolitan City and of the Emilia-Romagna Region, the Municipality is member of several EU networks of cities, among which Eurocities, European Coalition of Cities against Racism, Unesco Network of Creative Cities, and has a longstanding experience in participating to international cooperation projects, also in the field of development, migrations and human rights.

On the AMITIE CODE project, the City will engage different departments and various stakeholders, such as educational institutions, migrants associations, citizens and civil society at large.

Regione Emilia-Romagna - Region Emilia-Romagna (IT)

Region Emilia-Romagna is the public authority administrating the region with the same name located in Northern Italy, with over 22.square Km area and 4.5 million inhabitants.

Region Emilia-Romagna has been engaged in development education for many years. In the regional law number 12 of 2002 there is a specific paragraph that engages the Region to support initiatives of education and awareness raising on international cooperation, peace and inter-cultural activities, respect of human rights. Region Emilia-Romagna approves every year a regional program on the issues of peace and human rights and coordinates all the local authorities operating on regional territory in order to promote participated processes and uniformity of approaches.


FAMSI  is a  network of  municipalities, provinces  and other private and public  institutions  founded in 2000 to coordinate and promote the public decentralized international cooperation carried out by local  governments  in  Andalusia.  More  than  150  institutions  and  50 other  50  collaborating  entities from  civil  society  belong  to  FAMSI  in  Andalusia,  representing approximately  44,  70%  of  the Andalusian  population.  The  organization  has  cooperation  alliances  in  Europe,  Latin  America, Africa and Asia.

FAMSI  promotes  institutional  strengthening  and  the  capacity  building  in  the South  countries through the decentralized cooperation experience in Andalusia. It also participates in the elaboration of  regional,  national  and  international  development  cooperation  strategies.  FAMSI  links  the Andalusian decentralized cooperation actors with other ones in other countries in the South and the North  and  with  communities  dealing  with  socioeconomic  development  processes,  having  the support of the international cooperation.  

The  general  objective  is  to  promote  a  fairer  world  from  the  cooperation  of  the  local  governments and  the  Andalusian  solidarity,  by  means  of  coordination,  participation  and network  articulation processes.  As a network of local government in Andalusia, FAMSI promotes an integral and crossed approach of the  integration and  intercultural phenomenon, defending the access of  migrant population to the municipal  services,  quality  and  normalized  services,  as  well  as  an  adequate  social,  cultural, economic and overall integration.

Câmara Municipal de Loures - City of Loures (PT)

Loures is a municipality in the central Portuguese Grande Lisboa Subregion. It is situated to the north of Lisbon. It was created on 26 July 1886 by a royal decree.  Loures has a total population of about 200.000 inhabitants, of which about 8% (16.700) are residents from abroad, with a very significant community from Africa, which represents 55%, namely Angola, Cape Verde and Sao Tome and Prince, and 22% coming from the Americas, particularly from Brazil.

The INE (National Statistical Institute) data, referring to the 2011 national census, still indicate that 6.224 citizens with dual nationality (plurinationality) live in Loures, representing about 3% of the total population, but this data does not allow us to affirm that this is the number of residents who obtained Portuguese naturalization. Each year, according to INE (the reporting period between 1999 and 2007), are required an average of 1.000 permits of residence in Loures.

The municipality of Loures is administered by a city council composed of 11 councilors. There is a Municipal Assembly that is the legislative body of the municipality consisting of 43 members (including 33 directly elected).

The position of Mayor is currently occupied by Bernardino José Torrão Soares elected in the municipal elections of 2013 in the CDU (cohalition from PCP+PEV+ID) lists with relative majority of councillors in the chamber.


Comune di Reggio Emilia - Municipality of Reggio Emilia (IT)

Reggio Emilia, is one of the provincial capitals of the Emilia Romagna Region; it is located between the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines and the Po Valley in one of the most enterprising area of Italy and Europe.

The city has about 170,000 inhabitants, of which 18.2% of foreign origin, coming from 127 countries; for this it has been chosen by the Council of Europe to represent Italy in the Intercultural Cities network. Municipality of Reggio Emilia for years focus its actions on welfare policies, services and education, and is known worldwide for the experience of the Reggio Emilia Approach developed in Infant -Toddler Centres and Preschool of the Municipality of  Reggio Emilia.

Reggio Emilia has always invested on international relations with several cities around the world demonstrating a particular sensitiveness for the promotion of human rights and sustainable development. Since the ‘60 Reggio Emilia has played a key role in solidarity and cooperation with the peoples of Southern Africa, for the affirmation of the struggle for independence and against apartheid. This history is preserved in the Reggio Africa Archive. In 2011 the City of Reggio Emilia, along with institutions, associations and citizens engaged in cooperation with Southern Africa, formed the Reggio Africa Table.

To strengthen international partnerships the City, along with local organizations, established the Foundation E- 35 for International and European planning, to support the international promotion of the territory.

Mairie de Toulouse - City of Toulouse (FR)

Toulouse est la capitale de la Région Languedoc-Roussillon Midi-Pyrénées, au sud-ouest de la France et son aire métropolitaine de plus de 1,2 millions d’habitants, est la quatrième ville de France.

Toulouse participe au projet AMITIE CODE par la Mission Egalité et la Direction de l’attractivité, Europe et Rayonnement International

Depuis 2009, la Mission Égalité est engagée dans un plan municipal de lutte contre les discriminations, notamment au travers de la promotion du respect de la diversité, des droits humains, de l'égalité Femmes-Hommes et de l'orientation sexuelle.

La Mission Égalité offre un appui logistique aux associations de lutte contre les discriminations, notamment nombreuses sont celles qui œuvrent dans les quartiers prioritaires.

L'appui logistique consiste à offrir, au sein de l'Espace des Diversités et de Laïcité (EDL), des espaces d'accueil, afin que les associations puissent organiser des réunions, des conférences, des rencontres débat etc.

Ce centre a vocation à offrir un équipement public municipal aux partenaires associatifs et institutionnels mobilisés dans le champ de lutte et la prévention contre les discriminations.

La Direction de l’attractivité, Europe et Rayonnement International (DAERI) est un service mutualisé à la Ville de Toulouse et à Toulouse Métropole. Elle est divisée en deux départements : le service Europe dont la mission est d’informer, soutenir et suivre les dossiers européens dans leur partie administrative et financière, assure la veille er le suivi des appels à projets ainsi que les réseaux européens des villes.

Le service des relations internationales a pour mission de rechercher de cofinancements : Appel à projets Ministères et l'Europe, Ambassades et consulats, Agence français de développement AFD, Agence de l’Eau, fondations, privé, …), fédérer et mobiliser des partenaires, organiser et participer à des manifestations et événements citoyens (Saisons Semaines internationales, Semaine Franco- Allemande...), accueils des délégations, veille et suivi des réseaux des villes.

Rīgas Domes - Riga City Council (LV)

The  City  of  Riga  is  the  capital  and  the  biggest  city  of  Latvia.  Its  highest  decision-making  body  is the  City  Council,  which  has  been  appointed  by  way  of  a  general  election.  The  main  source  of finances  for  the  City  Council –  as  municipal  body  -  is  tax  from  residents  and  contributions  from national level.  The City Council  is divided  into eight departments. In this project, the City Council  is represented by the biggest department - Education, Culture and Sports Department. This department:  - implements the council’s policies  in the  fields of  education, culture, sports, work with  youth and in the society integration area;  -  supervises  the  operations  of  education,  education  support,  culture,  sport  and  leisure  time institutions which are under the jurisdiction of the Riga City Council. A  number  of  boards  operate  under  the  Department,  carrying  out  the  functions  in  its  areas  of responsibility:   the   Education   Board,   the   Culture   Board,   the   Sports   and   Youth   Board,   the Administrative Board, the Finance Board and separate structural units or divisions: the Projects and Society Integration Division, the Audit and Control Division, the Legal Division, and the Director’s Office.  The  Projects  and  Society  Integration  Division  has  the  responsibility  to  facilitate  administrative functions in the international collaboration, project coordination and society integration area.  Functions:  -  to  coordinate  international  collaboration  and  the  preparation  and  submissions  for  funding  for projects  financed  by  the  European  Union  and  other  external  funding  sources  on  behalf  of  the Department’s structural units and institutions under its jurisdiction; - to develop and implement the Riga City Society Integration Programme for years 2012–2017 and to  develop  support  programmes  for  supporting  society  integration  initiatives  in  the  City  of  Riga (including migration issues).

Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna (IT)



Alma Mater Studiorum- University of Bologna is an Italian public University set in Bologna. It's the eldest University in Europe and at present one of the biggest in Italy, with 11 faculties, 33 departments and over 80.000 students.

On the AMITIE CODE project, the University will engage the CIRSFID (Interdepartmental Centre for Research in the History, Philosophy and Sociology of Law, and in Legal Informatics) and will in particular value the experience and positive results obtained through its Master’s Course in Human Rights, Migrations, Development.

CIRSFID was founded in 1986 by Enrico Pattaro and is named for Guido Fassò (a legal philosopher) and Augusto Gaudenzi (a legal historian). Its mission is to promote research in the philosophy of law, in legal informatics and technology law, in the sociology and history of law, and in bioethics. In each of these areas the centre pursues research and publication activities; offers undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate courses; and provides consultation and services working in collaboration with national as well as international organizations. The centre draws on the expertise of researchers and faculty from the University of Bologna, and in particular from the departments in areas of law, philosophy, computer science and medicine.

Among CIRSFID’s many Doctoral Programmes and Master’s Courses is the Master’s Course in Human Rights, Migrations, Development, which is a one-year programme designed for graduate students and professionals who want to specialise in the area of Human Rights, Migration and Development studies.

The  central  objective  of  the  Master’s  Programme  is  to  train  students  to  be  highly  specialised  and qualified  to  conceive,  promote  and  manage  interventions  in the fields of development cooperation, the promotion and protection of  human rights and the  reception  and  integration  of  migrants.

Through  specific  sessions  on  International  Law, Economics,  History,  Philosophy  of  Law,  Political  Science and  Cultural  Anthropology,  students acquire a multidisciplinary and rich set of competences which are extremely important to understand migration and development phenomena in their complex and multi-faceted nature and to fight against  any  form  of economic,  political  and  social  exclusion.

In the 17-year history of the Master’s Programme a consistent number of human rights scholars and internationally  recognised  experts  on  development  and  migration  have  been  invited,  and  hundreds of students from more than 30 countries have been successfully trained as most of them are actively engaged  in  the  domain  of  Human  Rights  in  Italy  and  abroad, working  for  governmental  and  non-governmental organisations or conducting research on the matter in the academic domain.


The   Center   for   International   Studies   (CEI-IUL)   aims   at   strengthening   the interdisciplinary research, thought and intervention in a framework of complex social, political and economic phenomena that go beyond national and regional borders. CEI-IUL  rests  upon  the  previous  research  experience  of  the  Center  for  African Studies, enhancing the activity developed within this unit of R&D in recent decades and it will particularly promote the interdisciplinary approach valued at the CEA-IUL. More than the geographical broadening of research the evolution of the CEA-IUL to the CEI-IUL it is  the  recognition  of  an  approach  focused  on  the  present  challenges  of  the  global environment that combines different disciplinary areas. CEI-IUL  integrates  researchers  working  in  social  studies,  politics  and  international relations, development studies, economics and management in international contexts.  CEI-IUL   is   organised   on   a   matrix   design   of   regional   lines   (Africa,   Asia   and Europe&Transatlantic  Relations)  and  research  groups  (Institutions,  Governance  and International   Relations;   Societal   and   Development   Challenges;   Economy   and Globalization).

Fundaciòn Sevilla Acoge - Sevilla Acoge Foundation (ES)

Sevilla Acoge was founded in 1985, as the first NGO in Spain engaged on a series of specific goals targeting migrants’ communities. In 2005 the legal nature changed into a Foundation, but the main objectives and goals remained the same:

-Working for social Transformation towards a solidarity-based society where different people are able to live together in harmony, and where freedom, rights and values ​​of all are recognized, protected and promoted.

-Rrecognition of migrants, taking into account that, respecting their personal identities is a key role and a positive factor in their integration process.

-helping migrants to integrate in the Spanish society, without renouncing their identity as the root of their cultural values, while openly promoting migrants' presence and contribution is a positive and rewarding factor for the society as a whole.

-A permanent commitment to active participation in the reinforcement and preservation of Social Justice.

 The Foundation involves active citizens and focuses especially on youths as protagonist of social transformation. Diversity and inter-cultural approach are the main feature of the Foundation's identity.


GVC- Civil Volunteer Group, is a non-governmental, secular, and independent organization, founded in Bologna in 1971. We are active in international development aid projects with complex action strategies: from humanitarian aid to populations suffering from conflicts and natural disasters to reconstruction, hygiene, and food security; from rural development toeducation, to the protection of women's and children's rights. In over forty years of activity, GVC has operated in all parts of the world, carrying out thousands of projects. We collaborate with public institutions, cultural associations, cooperatives, and Italian and European NGOs, organizing seminars, conferences, exhibits and festivals, laboratories in school and training courses for teachers. We produce educational materials and carry out communication activities on sensitive issues such as differences, human rights, women's issues, sustainable trade, and biodiversity.

GVC works in 26 Countries: Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Burma, Philippines, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Tunisia, Morocco, Guinea, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Mozambique, Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Perù, Domenican Republic, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, Haiti, Cuba.

Hamburger Volkshochschule - Adult education college, Hamburg (DE)

The Hamburger Volkshochschule is the largest public adult education organisation in Hamburg, catering to 90000 participants each year, with a range of courses from language (German as the largest), culture, politics (e.g. development issues, migration, democracy, participation) health, ICT, professional courses of all kinds. Furthermore, the Hamburger Volkshochschule is and has been engaged in a variety of projects, from locally operating to international (since 1995). We are well connected with a large number of cooperating partners in Hamburg and in Germany, from companies, labour unions, chambers and others, and we are a member of the German Adult Education Association (DVV).  Mostly in projects, our target groups are among the disadvantaged parts of the population, e.g. migrants, women, young adults without a secondary education or/and without job. We provide courses to close the knowledge gaps (often in innovative ways), to work towards democracy and equality and inclusion. The projects catering to the needs of migrants have been our main focus during the previous five years. The mission of Hamburger Volkshochschule is to provide “Education for all”, and work towards the coherence of society. 

Latvijas cilvēktisību Centrs - Latvian Centre for Human Rights (LV)

The  Latvian  Centre  for  Human  Rights  (LCHR)  was  established  in  1993  as  an  independent  non-governmental  organisation.  LCHR  works  with  integration  (minority  rights  and  promotion  of tolerance)  issues,  elimination  of  discrimination  and  hate  crimes/speech,  asylum,  migration  and fundamental  rights  (freedom  of  assembly,  freedom  of  speech,  etc)  issues,  as  well  as  human  rights observation in closed institutions (prisons, police, immigration detention places.) LCHR  conducts  human  rights  monitoring,  research  and  policy  analysis,  training  of  various  target groups,  provides  legal  aid  to  victims  of  human  rights  issues,  including  representation  of  clients before  domestic  and  international  courts.  The  LCHR  frequently  provides  expert  opinions  both locally   (to   government,   parliament,   media,   educational   institutions,   courts,   prosecutors   and lawyers), as well as internationally. The LCHR is actively involved in advocacy for change, ranging from raising public awareness to specific policy or legislative change. LCHR also publishes a daily monitor of Latvian press on minority and integration issues.


On 10 December, 2004, the "European Coalition of Cities against Racism" was established in Nuremberg, as a network of local administrations engaged in challenging and fighting racism, discrimination and xenophobia. A "Ten-Point-Plan of Action" was adopted. In order to take into account the special conditions and priorities of different regions of the world, further regional coalitions have been established in the two following years and worked out their own action plans. At present, ECCAR gathers 126 cities from 24 European Countries


Cittalia is a Foundation of ANCI (the Italian Association of Local Administrations), dedicated to surveys and studies on the issues that are most important for Italian cities. It was established in 2008 and, since then, it focused on environment, governance, innovation, welfare, social inclusion and participation.

Cittalia's main mission is to support Italian cities facing the challenges of fast changing economies and societies, through developing effective public policies and improving cities' ability to design, manage and evaluate them.

Within Cittalia operates the Central Service of SPRAR (The national Protection System for Refugees and Asylum Seekers), supporting local administration in setting up and managing reception and inclusion services for refugees and asylum seekers.